Friday, May 9, 2014

Why I Didn't Buy Into Teacher Appreciate Week... again.

Dear Teachers:

Please don't think that you're not appreciated.  I show my appreciation by sending you a kid with his
homework done and spelling words studied.  I show you my appreciation by teaching him manners and setting the bar high when it comes to respecting you, the school, and the rules.  I show you my respect when I try, time and again, to make sure you're getting the best kid I can assemble for you.  

The lack flowers/candy/mugs/hand stamped greeting cards isn't a sign that I don't appreciate you.  It's a sign that I'm doing my best to make sure my kids are an asset to your classroom.  And I would hope that's more important than all the Hallmark gifts combined.

With Highest Regards,

Mama Jacques

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, that does show us appreciation. Those kids that are well assembled are the ones we wish we had a full classroom full of.
    Angela @ Time with A & N
