Friday, March 2, 2012

Contractions and interviews and uniforms, oh my!

Okay, God?  Universe? Magical Pregnancy Fairy?  Whoever is listening, make a note.  I am NOT dealing with contractions at 16 weeks.  So knock it off.  I will not wake up at 1 in the morning with contractions.  I don't care of they aren't "painful".  "Painful" is subjective, anyway.  I do not want to wait 2 hours to hear back from the doctor's office after I call and very calmly explain my concern.  I don't want to end up in the doctor's office for an emergency heartbeat check ever again.  SO just stop. Now.

In other news, our local parent magazine was published today.  They included a special pull out summer camp edition.  And guess whose children are featured in the sleep away camp story?  Mine!  K & G were interviewed by the editor a few weeks and and now they are in there, proudly saying things like, "Take extra toilet paper to kill bugs!" and "Take binoculars, but don't use them while you're walking!"  Sound advice, right?  So that's awesome.

My Cub Scout uniform still fit last night.  We'll see how long that continues to be the case.  We have our Blue & Gold banquet in 2 weeks and then the University of Scouting 2 weeks after that.  Uniforms are important for both of those events... but I'm not going to sweat it.  Committee chairs tend to exist in the background... it's not vital that I wear it.

My Girl Scout uniform just arrived.  I haven't opened it.  I ordered it a size big so I could wear it for Girl Scout Sunday next weekend.  Gotta say, the Girls do a much better job than the Boys at adult uniforms.

For someone who spent many years in Catholic school, hating uniforms like crazy, I suddenly seem to have quite a few of them!

Now if I can just get my uterus to settle down and stop contracting, we'll be golden.  Is it possible my nerves are causing this?

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