I should probably explain how I know Courtney. My sister, Kristin, is an extremely talented knitter. She creates adorable baby hats, blankets, and toys almost faster than I can blink. She sells her creation to photographers to use in their photo sessions. You can see some of the creative things she's made by visiting her Facebook page. Kristin met Courtney through her prop contacts and the rest, as they say, is history.
Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm a little bit of a psychotic nutcase momma bear about my newborns. I don't generally just hand them over to someone I've just met. (Well, except nuns, but that's another story.) But here's the thing about Courtney: She exudes calm. And where there is calm, there is immediate trust. So I handed over my sweet bundle of baby boy and she got to work.

Throughout the session, I was amazed at how gentle she was with every move she made. She knew exactly how to position Connell so he would stay asleep and feel comfortable. His safety was her primary concern and I quickly relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed watching her as she worked.
As you can see, the results were beautiful and we'll enjoy these photos for many, many years. I loved them so much, in fact, that I bought the entire CD. I couldn't pick and choose. I've already used them to make photo ornaments and cards through Shutterfly. This was definitely worth the investment and I plan to do it again when he turns a year old... but I can't even think about that right now! He has to stay little for as long as he can.

I agree! She is amazing! I actually had a couple of bad experiences so I was nervous too! You can tell that Courtney is a mom; she just has that touch. =) And her prices are great! <3 her